As you have probably seen before, case studies (or long-form reviews) can be one of the very best tools to convince customers whom you wish to do business with,

but I bet you didn’t know that those same case studies can be your BEST strategy to also find NEW customers or clients in your business as well.

This article is going to show you how you can use your case studies at your company to see the results listed for you below.


The following companies case study shown in this article went on to generate $17,000+ extra revenue for this business over a single, immediate 6-month period of time.

In this article, I am going to share the 3 methods I used to generate these sales for this company, to use these strategies to get these extra sales for your own company too.

Don’t worry if you think these same strategies will not work “in your business”, as I am going to show these examples I have from 5 very different markets (B2B, B2C, services, etc.) that I currently employ these strategies in, so you will know this will work for your own market, no matter what that market is or maybe.


Here Are 3 Ways I Generate MILLIONS Of Dollars In Extra Profit Every Year Using My Companies Case Studies


All of these strategies can be employed with less than $3,000 total to get started.

Case Study Sales Method 1 – Called “The Closer”

Whereas we all generally know the use of case studies is for closing more sales at the end of our sales process, I am going to show you a campaign strategy that I use to routinely get more sales from the prospects and traffic I have coming to your site right now to get far more out of them

and can use the same strategy to get more out prospects who are reaching your site as well.

“Long-form reviews” can be used interchangeably with the phrase “case study” in this article, as all of the methods discussed here can be used the same way.

Having your case studies show up in your remarketing this way once every customer leaves your site will multiply the effectiveness of anything you’re using to advertise your business now by 10-30% or more through the increased possibility and repetition through your ads in the same following way.

Clear, concise communication with your prospective customers/clients in your market where so little of it exists is the key to get more sales of the products or services than anyone you’re competing with right now.

For someone who is already serious in looking to buy that product or service in your market right now, it’s the best possible information they can get.

Whereas some of your prospective customers or clients will be satisfied with seeing just a few of their customers’ concerns highlighted by your case studies and ads like this in their market, I have found the more information to our post-marketing sales process in the following manner, the more extra sales will be able to get out the small pool of eligible customers available to you at any time out your market.

One place I have consistently found to have all the best information to use to build up the case studies I am marketing in the spaces I am operating in exists not only on the client’s sites, but through the review of your own products on your customer’s blogs or review sites where they tell your customers a story and what you need to be focusing on in your market as demonstrated to you above.

You will typically want to show enough case studies in the form of ads to your prospects who leave the site in a row with your ads until each of your potential client’s or customer’s concerns have actually been resolved.

For what it is worth on every single product or service campaign that I promote, I will generally run as much as 10 or more unique case study ads in a row to serve ALL of the customer’s unmet informational needs in your market using the following system to do it with as it serves to generate the most sales for your company this way.

Given that each person you’re selling to actually has different types of concerns, you will be spending time deciding how many of your customers’ concerns are valid enough to be taken care of by another case study that can be put together by your company.

There are every different type of customer needs, but if you show every customer every case study you have and for every possible concern you have in succession and click on what they still have concerns about on their own time, you will be able to use your system you have to close and convert every prospect already coming to your site at the maximum rate possible.

When doing it on your own, I can tell you should be able to see enough of a bump from your first ad(s) here that you want to keep on adding more ads to your case study marketing sequence until you can’t get any more sales out from your campaign strategy possible.

Whether you’re selling a B2C or a B2C consumer offer, “perceived lack of trust” can stop you from getting the rest of the sales that you are currently missing from your marketing process. 

Case studies and campaigns similar to this that I found have been shown to be the #1 way to solve this lack of confidence for the customers that are already coming to your site in your own market.

In order to show you how well this actually works in practice,

I will show you the results from the campaigns we put together for this “bed in a box” mattress company (shown in the diagram above) to see how it worked for them, so you can see how it will work in your own market.


Case Study Results You Get From This Type of Campaign

By using the earlier ad and offer example (shown to you in this article above) and setting up a campaign to drive traffic from our landing page set up for them on this campaign, we had 17,576 clicks on our ad to view the case study at hand, producing 22 total additional sales for the company for everyone clicked on our ad and eventually made it back to our site to make a purchase.

Campaign cost-per-click with the following offer coming in at a total of .71 cents each.


Closing rate, deal size, ROAS, etc.


Here’s how the math turned out for this campaign once the initial results came in from our tests:

Ad spend = $12,479 (as seen from the screenshot above).
.51% close rate on clicks = 90 extra sales in total
90 product sales x $749 (avg. product sale) = $67,410 generated.
ROI = [$67,410 – $12,479] / $12,479 x 100% = 440%.

With this campaign, our “bed in a box” case study ad-campaign promotion got an ROI of 440%, which is 4.4x their initial investment.

In addition to this, all their other traffic from their site would be getting another 10-30% from it from now on opening up other opportunities that simply would not be there without it.

Other services and even products can all be promoted the same way, no matter what type of business (B2B, B2C) will work in a similar way as per my previous experience using this strategy in many other fields before.

Now that you have seen how to use case studies to close more business that we already had coming to the site,

This next one, while being a bit more complicated, finds customers or clients during the initial research stages of the buying process itself as well to find totally new customers using the same case studies from your last method to leverage the sales you get from them even more.

Case Study Campaign Strategy Method #2
“The I Found It Myself Strategy” 

The below graphic explains how we can further increase your sales with audiences outside of just those who have reached our site already, by using your case studies to sell strictly to a cold audience this time around.

By giving all of those in your market who have not been to your site yet using broad-based advertising such as this, you can convince users to make a purchase that would not be there should you not use this method to show all the rest of your case studies to these prospects in your market.


When trying to reach out to and solve problems for our customer base in our market in the following way, I will generally look to place my case studies in front of anyone where I find future customers might be looking for any buying information in my market.

Such as:

✔ Informational blogs and forums
✔ Pages where competitors’ potential results are being discussed
✔ Informational YouTube videos which discuss individual potential outcomes
✔ And any other places you see people looking for information regarding the solutions to the problems you solve

These are ALL great places to run an ad to find a customer using a case study or review from!


One of my most favorite areas to advertise (and most advertised area of ad space in most markets to this day) still includes YouTube’s website, where most of my case study ads run in several of the markets I am still currently operating in.

YouTube happens to provide a great opportunity in many markets, not only due to the high perceived barrier to entry, but also the low cost of purchasing advertising space on the site (also shown below).

Once we have picked out a few different places to advertise, whether that be places our customers are actively searching or not, we will begin to figure out which of our case studies we can show to our prospects and if these places are going to work for your market or not.

After testing your ads in a few different places I have shown you on your account, you will know when you have found a decent offer that you can promote in terms of an ad/offer combination (something proving you already have considerable enough interest in the information your offering there) when you successfully find something that gets a response rate in the range of somewhere close to 0.5-1% click-through rate on your ads to your site (the more the better) to locate and run a set of case studies and ads that will generally work for your profitably for on most occasions. A click-through rate of 1% vs. .25% can generally be the difference of paying .80 cents a visitor to your site and .20 cents, a huge factor that can dictate the outcome of a display campaign such as this.

To see what type of case studies to use for yourself when putting together a case study campaign like this,

I will show you a few case studies/reviews that I personally chose that really stand out, so you can see how this should work from a few other successful markets so I can help you understand how to employ this method and determine what you may actually be able to get out of your own.


Example 1 –

This Case Study From Seeking Arrangement (selling dating services) offered case study information in their market showing case studies related to earning money looking for “sugar babies” in their market has built up an 8-figure business for their company over time using the exact kind of method (see below).

When you can publish your customers’ success stories and then advertise those, the results are much better than advertising them on your own site. In this case, news sites where the articles for this campaign were published.

This works well enough for Seeking Arrangements, as their entire business completely revolves around it.

From here, we can see an example of what has worked for a Case Study Financial Management App Albert (selling a financial management app), which has been able to show the success they achieved using case studies to market their app promoted in a similar way,


Example 2 –

Whereas you may not be able to be so lucky to get an article of your choice like this in a major publication in your intended market allowing you to highlight your results in your market like Albert got here,

you can also generally get a feature like this in almost any publication you want for a few thousand bucks just by contacting the advertising department of any site you want on and asking for a paid feature on those sites.

I have done this a number of times and have never been turned down in the past by just knowing how to ask.  It’s not nearly as hard as you think to accomplish for your company.

For those of you who sell a B2B product or service, consider our 3rd example that shows how this has been done in a business-related space where case studies are used already instead.


Example 3 – Amazon AWS (selling cloud-computing services) was initially sold almost exclusively through the experiences of known decision-makers initially (in this case, CIOs) in the early stages of promoting that service at their own company.

Amazon AWS rose and became the #1 leader in that space in a short span of time due to this strategy as a whole effectiveness and its ability to laser target the intended clientele in their market they were trying to reach.

Case studies that target key decision-makers like this will generally do very well in most B2B markets out there, of which I have seen work in more than a few occasions myself already in many other niche markets just like this (shown below).By experience, using the first-person voice in your case study campaign will usually supercharge the effectiveness of any case study you are promoting and should always first be considered when getting the value proposition of what you offer in your market.

Marketing to people after they leave your article as well

In addition to the targeting methods I gave you to show your new case studies to all the prospective customers in your market already,

Google stores a history of those users once they leave the pages of your competitors’ properties in our market as well namely i.e., new and guest articles, all other PR they have, as well as their own properties and sites (basically anywhere a user goes to look for information about competitors in your market). I have found which is another great, very profitable place to have your case studies ads show up and which you are always going to use to advertise a case study(s) in your own market along with the methods I have shown you before.

Running these ads targeted to your direct competitors in the following way can be done through the ‘custom affinity audiences’ part of your Google Ads account which is demonstrated for you via the sample ads interface menu which I have shown for you below. 


Other than simply going out and manually making a list of where you wish to advertise your case studies, you can also target your same case study ads by following people around after they leave your competitors’ properties and have not even clicked any of your ads yet via another way, Google (as well as Facebook which both have features for this using this same methodology) in your market.


Once you have ran your ads for a while,

you can begin tweaking which of the available ad placements you want to keep to amp up the return so it is not particularly important that you pick the right placements to have your ads run as it is to make sure you diligently go back into your account after your ads have ran to make the adjustments you need to find what does and does not work to promote your particular case study on your account.

By using the revenue or other lead quality data in the account from what’s working, you can use that data to weed out the places that your ads are not working and keep ratcheting up those which are to eventually reach any standard of return that you want from your campaign here.

Using your ability to provide bid adjustments to the scheduled places you have chosen to run your case study ads, that is, redirect any losses on the parts of the campaign that are not working to the ones that already are,

will allow you to start with a very modest ~1K a month budget on your ads and nothing more until you already know what you have is already going to work for your company and produce a profit.

Most of your return (90%+) comes when you can begin to scale your account!

 I will now show you what kind of results you can expect from the strategies I just showed you here going back to the same diet supplement company I showed you before so you can also see what to expect when you set up these campaigns yourself.


Diet Campaign Results Details

Just from the above campaign we ran at the list of places I advised you to run our ads, we had 9,077 landing page views and 101 “sale” conversions at the time the campaign was initially concluded.

Campaign cost-per-click with the following offer coming in at a total of .46 cents each.

Closing rate, purchase size, ROAS, etc.

Here’s how the math turned out for this campaign once the initial results came in from our tests:

Ad spend = $4,175 (as seen from the screenshot above)
101 sales x $99 initial sale (avg. deal size) = $9,900 generated on initial purchase
Reorders (2.64x) = lifetime value per customer = $261 LTV each
ROI = [$26,361 – $4,175] / $4,175 x 100% = 531%

With this campaign, our diet product got an ROI of 531% after all total purchase, which is 5.3x their initial investment.

As you can see with the results above, adding a display campaign like this to your marketing plan can add a tremendous amount of additional value to your business by adding these case studies at the end of the sales process alone.

As you can see, the amount of return we were able to get by simply using placement specific advertising (advertising on pages we choose) vs. those pages they visited looking for a competitor solution I gave you from before made the difference between this campaign making just a little money and 8 total figures from the case study we would run long-term.

Adding this additional competitor advertising targeting method to our account added quite a bit more to the total return from our case study ads campaign even though both of these case study targeting methods had indeed still individually profitable on their own.


The main thing that will determine exactly how successful you will be using this method comes down to the message/market match that’s right for your market.

You will need to do a lot of research to find out what your customers want from your market first before putting together your campaigns, but if you do in the end you should expect to be able to get these same kinds of results out of your campaign like I have shown you above.


With two methods out of the way, you can use your case studies to expand the sales results at your company.

We can move on to our last method that tries to sell using our case study to just those who bought from competitors or indirect competitors before with our case studies, which we are now going to focus on as our next strategy.

This can be seen as potentially an even more productive way to advertise and get more sales than we already have with either the previous methods I gave you so far as previously discussed.


Case Study Campaign Strategy Method #3 – “The Hi-Jacker”


First, I will show you a diagram that illustrates how this particular method of selling using a case study is used, so you can understand how the entire process will work for running your own campaign.

To give you an example of how this would actually work in reality, I am going to show you an example where I have used an email list to advertise a company in the pool remodeling space before being able to build that campaign specifically for that market.

In the following example,

I first went out and found a list of all the actual pool owners in our pool remodeling service territory to reach out to with a case study in that market first (shown below).

Third-party brokers like Nextmark provide information regarding who is on your customers’ purchase lists on a regular basis, which are either direct or indirect competitors in your area of business.

Customer data like this can be found through many various sources to target, of which Nextmark happened to be the one source we used for the following case study.

Keep in mind that all lists can be geo-targeted to any local, regional, national region, or any market you want to make local campaigns like this entirely possible for your brand.


Along with this first list of pool owners here, I also found a list of known buyers of pool maintenance solutions in the last 90 days (i.e. chemicals and other products for the care and maintenance of their pool) to also target.

This was the 2nd most obvious place to search for customers in that market, i.e. people who were already taking care of and willing to spend good money solving the problem in that same market already (also demonstrated to you below).

The Case Study Ad Offers Used for This Market

As for running the following campaign as discussed here, I will now show you the case study we used to run my campaign in order to sell to people who would be interested in a pool remodeling service.

In the following case, we could not actually find a list of pool-remodeling customers to try to market to, so we chose to use our second closest option that we could actually pay to access and are buying similar solutions in that market.

For most businesses that rely on any kind of “repeat business,” targeting your competitors’ direct or indirect customers on lists (such as what is shown above) is going to be the most profitable list you can pick from in most markets (if you can get them).


Targeting of Your Campaign Offer

Once you have come up with a list of prospects that would be potential customers in our market,

I will show you how I had executed the process to get that offer in front of the competitors’ prospects on our email list using our advertising accounts to do it with.

To do that process,

We will need to start uploading the members off our list to our ad accounts which will be demonstrated to you below for your company.

Advertising accounts that you can use to advertise a case study ad to a list such as this and that I personally use on every campaign that I run (and can actually do with any campaign like this) will generally include:


  1.   Facebook
  2.   AdRoll
  3.   LinkedIn (for B2B markets)


Also demonstrated to you below are the places you will actually be able to upload these buyers email lists to your ad accounts listed for you above: 

While LinkedIn and Adroll allow you to upload a list of EMAILS to your campaign for follow-up targeting with your campaign, Facebook allows you to also target cell phone numbers, which may be useful to you if that is all you list provider you are working with will actually provide.

Once you have uploaded your list of emails (or phone numbers) to your ad accounts to run your ads to each member on your list, the final step of getting our case study in front of our listed audience is to upload our ads to each one of our 3 accounts from our earlier steps, of which is also shown below.
To take a shortcut to target your lists to get to your results faster, you can initially start to whittle down which parts of the prospects are worth targeting before ever starting out your campaign here.

Both Google, as well as Facebook, provide an “insights” feature in their ad accounts you can use to upload your previous 5 years’ worth of customers to and use that data they give you on customers to see which parts of the targeted lists you do not want to buy as if those customers with those kinds of demographics have not bought from you before, they probably will not be worth paying to advertise to and start buy from you now. Other factors like age, day of the week, and region of the area they are searching will highly impact what type of return will be produced on your campaign when starting out.

From my dozens of experiences running campaigns like this in various markets, with no data to start filtering out your campaign at the demographic level such as this can wind up costing you as much as 50-90% less per sale as to where you start out from the lists that you select that do not ultimately work.

The more data you collect on which parts of your lists work and which will not, the quicker you can actually get to the profitable part of running these campaigns for your company.


As a summary about doing list selection in your own niche:

When thinking about picking lists for your own market to target and reach out to,

you should generally be using the same line of thinking when selecting customer lists on your own campaigns. That is, either to target those you know have bought your product at some point in time from your competitors, or those who have already proven they are willing to spend money on the type of solutions your product/service solves in your same business category already.

If you stick to either one of these two basic concepts, you will generally have at least some success with any campaign and list that you use for your business when starting out.


Also, another quick note about the ads you use for this method,

As a special note about running your case study campaigns like this here,

If you choose to run your ads with a big logo on them or clear evidence of whom is offering the results is a company unlike the example I have given you above,

Not only will a user will be less likely to click on those ads that do that by far affect your cost, but the user will also be far less likely to believe what you have to show them is true which is why you want to avoid running your ads this way. My past testing showed you get you as much as 4x more sales from a “blind” case study ad than one that clearly looks like a sales pitch when running campaigns like this for your company.

Not only should your logo be entirely taken off your ad as you run these campaigns,

Your case study itself should also generally not reveal who had produced that case study as well until the very end of that case study (when using a 1st party site to publish it on) as that will also greatly affect the performance of your campaigns for the same reasons as putting the logo on the ad like I just have shown you above.As a side note,

third-party case studies themselves, if you’re using them, should also try to reveal your review was compensated at least till the end of the article the same way as the first case studies I have just shown you above if your using those to enhance the performance of your campaigns that way for you instead (shown below).

In summary,

To enjoy the best possible results, make sure (if it’s possible) not to reveal to your users the fact that your case study is being commercially offered to your users as late in the case study marketing process as possible to get the highest rate of sales as you possibly can with your users at the end of the day.


Campaign 1 Results –


In this particular example where we ran the above campaign in a market somewhere in the northeastern U.S.:

From our landing pages’ set up to take people to and from both segments above, we had 11,987 landing page views, 9 “lead” conversions leading up to the results shown with the first 6 months of setting that campaign being generated before the first test portion of our campaign had been concluded for the season.

Campaign cost-per-click with the following offer coming in at a total of 1.29 cents each


Closing rate, purchase size, ROAS, etc.

Here’s how the math turned out for this campaign, once the initial results came in from our tests:

Ad spend = $15,463 (as seen from the screenshot above)
9 consultations x 44% close rate = 4 deals
4 deals x $23,520 (avg. deal size per pool restoration) = $94,080 generated
ROI = [$94,080 – $15,463] / $94,080 x 100% = 835%

With this campaign, our campaign to generate pool renovation jobs for our company that specializes in them, got an ROI of 835%, which is 8.3x their initial investment.


As for targeting unique/different audiences like we did in the following situation in this market for your company, you can see the difference in the spread in the return on both segments on that campaign as well. Example List Targeting Campaign #2 –

For our next example here, I will discuss how well these methods worked to generate results selling high-end restaurant space (Italian food) from before to see how this same method I gave you can work in the consumables vertical this time instead.

In this case, we initially did our research to find out the best way to promote our restaurant which this time was a long-form 3rd part review targeting for people already going to the competitors’ high-end restaurant in the area that would eventually be able to get them to go there as well.

Specifically, in this case,

We were able to target people who went to their competitor restaurant customers using American express’s credit card transaction data to power our campaign within this case that you can also use for your own campaign with as well when appropriate.

American Express has the credit card data you can use to gain access to a list of competitors’ purchase activity in your market as well (as a number of others).

Other places to access lists of your direct competitors’ customers or clients in your market include sites that review and sell to your same type of customers already (such as those membership clubs or review sites) by making a deal with those companies ahead of time.

So how did this “competitor” campaign strategy work for the Italian restaurant brand shown above?


Campaign 2 Results –


We had 11,987 landing page views, 9 “lead” conversions on the following campaign initially generated from this campaign.

Closing rate, purchase size, ROAS, etc.

Here’s how the math turned out for this campaign, once the initial results came in from our tests:

Ad spend = $40,291(as seen from the screenshot above)
121 vouchers requested x 65% close rate to use vouchers redeemed = 9 new accounts
9 new accounts x $4,500 K Min LTV (avg. deal size) = ~$90,000 generated
ROI = [~$90,000 – $12,791] / $12,791 x 100% = 704%

With this campaign, our campaign generated new Italian restaurant customers at an ROI of 835%, which is 8.3x their initial investment.


As per the recommendations on this campaign, spending more than you’re used to gather the best customers in your market based upon their value alone more than worth it to bear the expense to set up a campaign like this in your market.


Example List Targeted Campaign #3 –

Now that you have seen what results I was able to accomplish in the pool-renovation space as well as the restaurant business,

I will show you the results from my most recent campaigns in the industrial-hardware space selling industrial cleaning supplies to the customers in that market, so you can see how this strategy would be adapted would work in the B2B type of situation over there.

In this particular case where a campaign had been set up for this industry space, we had chosen to show the purchase of facility managers at big warehouses and distribution centers a case study of the cleaning product being used (vs. 3rd party review) which seems to work well for most B2B markets out there.

Once customers we have initially convinced to use the cleaning product through the case study, we, later on, hit the same prospects who read the case study a free sample of the same product to generate new customers from our list who were responsible for solving the given problems that were covered in the case study at hand.

Once the item was initially tried, a follow-up was automatically conducted with the facility managers on our list after a minimum time period after the initial free sample shipped out to get the full order for this product later on.

And how did this campaign work for the industrial cleaning company at hand?

Once this initial free trial campaign was concluded, we had 2,438 landing page views from our campaign, and had 365 “inquiry” sign-ups on our landing page at hand.

Campaign cost-per-click with the following offer coming in at a total of 1.24 cents each.

Closing rate, deal size, etc.

Here’s how the math turned out for this campaign once the initial results came in from our tests:

Ad spend = $3,023 (as seen from the screenshot above)
365 consultations x 8% close rate to initial re-order = 29 new accounts opened
29 new accounts x ~$4,500 Min LTV (avg. deal size) = ~$130,500 generated
ROI = [~$130,500 – $3,023] / $3,023 x 100% = 4216%

Subtracting the cost of the initial samples to push the initial trial offer, our initial trial offers would generate an initial ROI of over 2x from the initial campaign and orders that would come directly after the trial was over (their first case to the first case or ordered directly after the average customers trial sample) and a return of over 42x ROI after all the additional reorders from the product were in due to the product being so well received in question.

Any time you think you can give out a free product to your market to get a customer account open like we did in this particular B2B market I just showed you, even if it means giving out a demo of that product to gain interest in your market you should seriously consider that as I can tell you as our results would not have nearly or even half as profitable without this one feature been added to our campaign here.


A quick recap about information and the results to the following 5 case studies I shared above:

✓   Point 1 – Case studies or long-form reviews are often shown to be the #1 way to sell purchase products/services out there needing to be sold.


Due to the generalized fear people have of making bad decisions by past experiences being burned by other products and services before we ever even get a chance to sell our products or services to these people in our market at all,

there are certain things you can do with a case study or third party review can do those other selling methods cannot do to undo this extra baggage, the average our buyers hold for themselves preventing a sale from us in our market at any given time.

  Point 2To go along with the first point already stated, showing your case studies to the customer at the start of the process (not just the end of the selling process) with the case studies you just seen evidence of can leverage the scope of the number of sales at your company by as much as 50x more than you have now due to the likely power and demand for that information and how little of it actually exists out there in most markets out there today.



In summary . . .

Case studies serve a very important purpose in our marketing process, where trust and perceived truth in marketing and advertising are the top factors that affect most people’s sales today.

If you are not getting the desired sales results in your company yet, you can try using these case study ad methods and can serve to break out of the slump your currently in now by making your ad budget work better than it was, its primary purpose, OR eventually use these methods to scale what your able to spend with your ad budget right now as it is a great strategy to do that all on its own.

If you feel you are still unsure that this will work in your own market, I urge you to revisit each one of the examples I gave to you in this article for proper reapplication to your own. There is for sure at least one of these case study campaign methods I just showed you that can be reapplied to your own company, no matter what you happen be selling there at your company.


Corey Zieman

Paid Search Strategist

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